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VIDEO: Ilan Pappé – A Brief History of Israel’s Incremental Genocide

While training for a half-marathon, and in light of the latest atrocities in Gaza, I started listening to the audiobook On Palestine by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé. Pappé is a historian originally from Israel, and I thought his chapter on Israel’s Incremental Genocide was a good primer. The essay was originally written in 2014, but everything in it still resonates deeply today. I ripped the audio from the narrator’s reading and set it to text for easy consumption.

As a potential project, I may soon annotate this with visual and audio references.

“Downsizing the number of Palestinians all over historic Palestine is still the Zionist vision. In Gaza, its implementation takes its most inhuman form.”

Published inColonialismPalestine
it jumps from chaos to the beginnings of order in chaos and is in danger of breaking apart at any moment.